Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sacred Distractions

Messy.  Yep.  My life is messy.  I bet yours is too. There are just so many "shoulds" and "have tos" in our lives. Combine that with a lot of beautiful wild dreams and you get messy.   When I begin to make a "to do" list of all of that, I get pretty overwhelmed.  What does overwhelmed look like for you?  It looks like paralysis for me. From the outside it certainly looks like laziness.  What it feels like is anxiety, and that leads me to struggling with compulsive behaviors. Certainly that always leads to adding more mess to my already overflowing list. 

But when I wake up and seek to live purposefully, I don't start down that anxiety path.  Working hard not to get caught up in tomorrow, I ask God to show me what he wants for this today.  Do I need to tackle the entire list today?  Should I run from errand to errand or make all of the necessary phone calls?  Or perhaps do I need to make myself a good breakfast and be quiet and reflect? God never answers me in that moment.  What he does do, however,  is clear my thought path. He leads me to let go of my anxious plans and stay intentionally in the moment. I hand over my authority and let him unfold this day. To let him rearrange my "to do" list and add and subtract those things that aren't meant for me is a challenge. But when I rely on his grace and put my trust in him instead of myself, my grip loosens. Who knows better than he, what needs to happen today in my life?

So I prayerfully ask God to help me keep focused on the things he has for me. I know that distractions can kill my creativity, time management, and love, but this isn't the same. This is not getting up and just following my distractions or going about my day avoiding responsibilities.  It has nothing to do with getting lost on Facebook or having endless coffee dates with girlfriends. This sacredness is about being open to the ongoing conversation that I am having with Jesus all day. This conversation where he opens my thoughts to seeing the world through his eyes.  He moves me from my Martha busyness to my Mary seat.  It is a refocusing that allows me not to get upset about traffic or forgotten lunches like I used to. I don't need to be resentful of  my husband for wanting me to drop everything to help him do something that is very last minute or by the friend who calls to talk through her thoughts on dating and her 13 year old daughter. I actually feel more honored and grateful in God's clear leading.  I try to take these moments as his placement and plan for me, and I allow my body to move through them with this realization.  These aren't distractions any longer taking me away from the things I need to do. These things are sacred.

Therefore, I can let go of the messiness, of all of the other things that I should be doing or being. I don't weigh my value on the crossed out words on my "to do" list or the fact that I finished everything I should have.  I force myself to stop viewing the things that aren't on my list as distractions, because they aren't. They are the things I am supposed to be doing at this moment. They are my God-given "to do's" for today and I am grateful for each and every one.